[NEW COURSE] Navigating Chaos and Finding Joy and Purpose

Looking deeply and fearlessly at the racism still haunting us ...

Recently that great and noble sage, Senator Lindsey Graham, who may be my least favorite of the many shabby Trump acolytes, made the pronouncement that America is not a racist country. After laughing convulsively, I realized that he was speaking for far too many people who are still in desperate denial of the obvious facts.

When I came to America at 26, over 40 years ago, I was overwhelmed by the kind of denial I met in every class of the obvious dreadful racism that contaminates every aspect of American life. And one of the things I regret the most in my vocation as a spiritual teacher is how few African Americans I have had the privilege to reach.

In the first decade of my real teaching which began in my forties, I had the grace and good fortune to be invited several times to progressive black churches. I was amazed at the kind of reception my passionate style received. Instead of looking over a sea of frightened white faces, I heard “Say it, say it! Go for it!” And I...

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