April 10 - 16, 2026

Join Andrew Harvey and Linda Tucker for a 7-day journey to South Africa, and explore the sacred home of the famed White Lions of Timbavati.

Andrew and Linda will fuse their visions of Sacred Activism and Lion Shamanism to offer an 7-day initiatory retreat focused on Sacred Warriorship in the modern-day world.
Leading conservationist and author of Mystery of the White Lions, Linda Tucker will share her unique knowledge and first hand experience of the legendary white lions of Timbavati, revealing their divine message of courage, love, truth and enlightenment.
She will lead participants through shamanic exercises that can enable all to connect with the inspiring message of the lions, empowering us at our highest level of awareness, as well as equipping us to take on the challenges of our everyday life.

Awakened Adventure

Step out of your comfort zone and into your future as the sights, sounds, and connections of new people and experiences allows you to contribute  on a whole new level. 

Natural Wonders

Immerse yourself in the beauty of South Africa's nature preserves and national parks as you connect with sacred energies, explore your own gifts, and sit in the presence of the White Lions.

Spiritual Direction

Andrew and Linda's profound teachings and gentle guidance will unlock powerful awakenings within you, illuminating your mind, body, and spirit with compassion and love for all living things. 

Meet Andrew Harvey

Andrew Harvey is an internationally acclaimed poet, best-selling novelist, celebrated mystical scholar, and renowned spiritual teacher.

He is the Founder of the Institute for Sacred Activism, working to preserve and heal the planet and its inhabitants.

Meet Linda Tucker

In 1991, after being rescued by a Tsonga medicine woman from a dangerous encounter with a pride of lions, Linda Tucker gave up a career in international marketing and fashion to become a conservationist.  

Linda founded the Global White Lion Protection Trust, a leader in community-based conservation, after nearly 10 years of intensive research on both the cultural and conservation importance of the White Lions in this region.

Meet the Sacred White Lions

This life-changing opportunity is limited to 18 people only.
If you're attracted to this kind of experience, please register now. This event will sell out.

Arrival at Tsau: White Lion Heartlands: Camp Unicorn
Deep rest & rejunation: Serve Mother Earth

Collection by 4x4 at Hoedspruit Airport and 45 minute drive to the White Lion Heartlands in the epicenter of the UNESCO Kruger to Canyon’s Biosphere, one of the world’s most important ecosystems, and one of the last lion ranges on the planet.

Arrive. Unpack. Unwind.
Stop the Clock. Enter Nature’s domain and LionTime.

Orientate yourself in the heart of the White Lion Heartlands - including an educational walk around the camp area.

Meet with Linda Tucker, world authority on the White Lions and LionHearted LeadershipTM.

Delicious and Nutritious supper Followed by documentary screenings in the lounge.

*NOTE on our delicious bushveld cuisine: Exquisite fusion-cooking with unique local touches by our brilliant Shangaan Chef. Highly conscious, high-energy super- food, without pretention. We specialize in vegan dishes.

Sixth Law of LionHearted LeadershipTM: REGENERATION
Reconnection with the heart of Lions, Land and People ... and the continuum of Life in one of the world’s most important biodiversity hotspots.

Excursion into the White Lions Ancestral Heartlands
Follow your Pawprint and Celebrate your Nature

Leisurely rise


Followed by CEREMONIAL INTENTION-SETTING: Connect with Place and Time: Zep-Tepi: “Place of First Time” *Identify your unique Pledge of Sacred Service to the planet.


Linda Tucker shares on the critical importance of the White Lions’ Sacred Natural Site

  • Profound ancestral links to all the sacred sites on the African Continent, Egyptian Connections and the Golden Nile Meridian
  • Immersion in the mythic-cultural-conservation-geographic importance of the White Lions and their Sacred Natural Site
  • Regeneration strategies implemented by the Global White Lion Protection Trust in the region

x4 scientic tracking out into the pride-lands

Accompanied by celebratory African drumming around the camp re, together with our vibrant cross-cultural indigenous sta.

First Law of LionHearted LeadershipTM: ORIGINATION and Second Law of LionHearted LeadershipTM: APPRECIATION
A glimpse of Origins, your Origination, importance of the mythical Origins of the White Lions, who lead us back and restore our Original Life’s purpose such that we are empowered to go forward in these transformative times.

 Excursion to Malachite Lands
Uncage your Gifts


After breakfast, depart for the Malachite lands.

NOURISHING LUNCH And relaxing afternoon at the Place of the Ark camp.

As the day cools, gather for sunset yoga overlooking the riverbed.


Embrace this magical journey of self-discovery and clarication of Purpose In support of a leading project on the conservation frontline.

Eleventh Law of LionHearted LeadershipTM: LIBERATION
As we look over the expansive wilderness and celebrate the recent release of the lion prides into their new territories, we focus our hearts on what gifts we can free up in service of Nature and Life.

Sleep Under the Stars
Rediscover the Stars and Cleanse Your Kingdom


After breakfast, activation with Linda overlooking the Makhutswi River. Depart for Camp Unicorn.

NOURISHING LUNCH Orientation and preparation for the sleep out under the stars.


Restoring relationship with the Sacred Flame
At the Sacred Stone Circle under the crystalline clarity of the African skies.

The ritual of Guarding the Fire has deep symbolic meaning associated with LionHearted LeadershipTM, continuity and the handing over of The Flame.

Twelfth Law of LionHearted LeadershipTM: ASPIRATION and Thirteenth Law of LionHearted LeadershipTM: ELIMINATION The day of introspection and interconnection opens up into an exquisite star-spangled night, silently reconnecting with psyche and cosmos, what African astronomer-priests call the “Song of the Stars.”

Day of Stillness
Share the Roar and Protect the LionHeart


This exquisite day commences with an experience in the Monolithic Stone Calendar to Mother Nature IN QUIETUDE, followed by an excursion to the lions and ever-deepening connection with mind, heart and soul’s purpose.

Listen to the Lions ROAR into your heart. Allow for a magical deepening of Purpose, outcomes, and greater commitment to your true calling. Mother Nature has infused you with her loving guidance. A day committed to opening the time and space for reection, renewal, integration, strengthening or commitment to celebrate Life. Recognition of Mother Nature’s exquisite sentience oering Higher Order solutions to the problems of our day.

In the glow of the setting sun, slowly exit the quietude for an intentional sharing of the day’s experiences.


Third Law of LionHearted LeadershipTM: COMMUNICATION and Fifth Law of LionHearted LeadershipTM: RADIANCE
Deep introspection and consideration of your role in Earth-service, whilst listening to yourself and Nature.

Tsau White Lions Heartlands


After breakfast, a morning of easeful reintegration - acknowledging the golden thread of harmonious coexistence.

Lunch at Camp Unicorn, followed by a guided meditation by Linda.


As the sun mellows, a beautiful riverine walk under the canopy of ancient trees along the Nilotic Meridian, led by expert indigenous trackers, through the natural amphitheatre of the ancient forests of Tsau, imparting time-honored principles. The walk takes place in silence as we tune in to the presence of the resident beings.

The two-hour walk culminates at the site of the 12 tonne Crystal StarLion that aligns exactly with the Sphinx on the Golden Nile Meridian, constructed in honor of the White Lions by world renowned sculptor Andries Botha, and symbolising the birth of enlightened knowledge. Here, you deliver your Pledge of Sacred Service to the planet, witnessed by Mother Nature.

Seventh Law of LionHearted LeadershipTM: COLLABORATION Take the time to recognise and truly integrate all of Mother Nature’s gifts into your being, and consider how you can nd or strengthen your pride of LionHearted Leaders.

and Eighth Law of LionHearted LeadershipTM: AUTHENTICATION
What is your unique contribution to Life?
You have already set an intention; now make your Pledge to Nature.


Leisurely rise and Departure


Followed by breakfast

Goodbyes to the characterful staff members who have become extended pride & family.

Leave the Heartlands with a Purposeful reconnection with Life.
The Joy and Responsibility of being in the full presence of the loving intelligence that is Mother Nature

Please Read
A Few Agreements

  •  Due to the sensitive nature of the scientific re-introduction of a critically endangered animal, this project is not open to the general public, but the WLT is pleased to showcase its aims and objectives to special interest groups, likely to become long-term supporters and donors of this exceptional ground-breaking project.
  • This itinerary is not set in stone, and may change depending on the weather, the people and most important of all, the animals.
  • Please observe that there are strict safety and security protocols in respect of the reintroduction of the White Lions. Our scientific monitoring vehicles do not intrude on the White Lions’ space, and we ensure that we keep our voices as low as possible when approaching them in the wild. The contact with the White Lions is a non-photographic experience and we avoid taking cameras, zooms or spotlights and other hi-tech devices into their environment and instead enter into the magic of their natural existence and share its timeless beauty.
  • Magnificent photographic studies of the White Lions and other mementos are available. 100% of proceeds go directly to the protection of the White Lions in their natural habitat.
  • A sample menu of meals provided can be viewed here
  • Our guest camp operates under a policy of zero alcohol and other mind-altering substances.
  • Our camp is a WiFi-clean zone (except for emergencies).
  • We ask that you unplug from the virtual world in order to receive the sublime Heart technologies of the ecosystem.

Why this Project Needs Our LionHearted Support


White Lions are exceptionally rare. They have been almost completely eradicated from the wild: artificially removed from their natural system and sold into zoos and circuses around the world since their first appearance in the wild in the 1930s.

The result of a rare “Genetic Marker” discovered through the collaborative scientific research led by the WLT, White Lions have been brutally speed-bred and held in captivity to be killed by the notorious ‘canned hunting industry’.

Against great odds, the WLT has initiated a world-first re-introduction program, and has successfully re-introduced three prides of high genetic integrity back into the wild that are surviving self-sufficiently.

Currently, there are less than 10 White Lions in their endemic habitat, most of which are in the protected area of some 4400 acres created by the WLT in the heart of their ancestral heritage lands. The WLT is a non-profit scientific and community conservation organization dedicated to saving this magnificent animal, with 85-90% of all donations allocated to ensuring the survival of the White Lions, and supporting the up-liftment of an indigenous community.

"A life-changing experience... a huge part of me was dormant and got awakened during my time in Timbavati, I am more whole, more me than I’ve ever been... I understood or rather EXPERIENCED how nature is in constant communication with us, the white lions showed me what I needed to see, no doubt about that."

Past Attendee

"Camp Unicorn proved to be a monastery in and for nature. Like novices in the Middle Ages, one goes through the gates and portals that define an enclosure in the ‘desert’ from which, unencumbered, one turns heart and mind towards the rare white lions, the Kings of Kings – solar animals whose forceful presence, elegance and power invite to reconfigure one’s own place in the hierarchy of life manifestations."

Andris Barblan
Geneva, Switzerland

"Amazing trip to the white lions and their homelands! These magnificent beings are clearly avatars – an opportunity for an encounter with the divine! Take advantage of the opportunity!"

J. Sklar

" I will carry the treasures that were unearthed for me on this retreat in my heart and soul forever. I am deeply grateful to ALL for this opportunity."

Susan Beayni

Pricing For Sacred Warrior School




  • Transportation to and from Hoedspruit Airport
  • Transportation and fees for excursions
  • All gratuities for staff, driver and guides 

Six-Month Payment Plan



  • Transportation to and from Hoedspruit Airport
  • Transportation and fees for excursions
  • All gratuities for staff, driver and guides



Single Occupancy




A Message from Andrew Harvey


Dear Friends,
I would like to invite you to join Linda Tucker and me in Timbavati, South Africa for our School of Sacred Warriorship, which will take place in 2026.
Speaking for myself, after five visits to this miraculous place, I have been graced with a whole new level of understanding about the sacredness of these amazing creatures, the interconnection of all worlds and the depths of the African Shamanic Tradition.

Linda Tucker's teachings are quite amazing, as she entrusts us with some extremely powerful, secret practices from the lineage of lion shamanism that she belongs to, as a pupil of the great South African shamans, Maria Khosa and Credo Mutwa.
Linda and I are able to work effortlessly together, in order to inspire the initiates to rise to a completely new level of awareness. I wish I had the words to describe the full radiance of what unfolds in Timbavati, but I would have to be Shakespeare and Rumi combined to do so. What I can say is that in all my 60+ years of experience, there is no other place on earth where you can experience the majestic sacredness of creation more purely and more intensely.

The white lions are simply the most beautiful creatures on earth, and are also, as Linda Tucker makes clear in her book, The Mystery of the White Lions, "carriers and transmitters of a revelation crucial to the survival of humanity and nature."
Given the enormous urgency of the world crisis, I feel it is essential that as many people as possible receive the grace that pours from sacred Africa and its animal avatars.

We only take a very small group, so that the experience can be as intimate and protected as possible.
Coming into deep contact with the white lions and supporting Linda Tucker's heroic enterprise is, I believe, the perfect way to begin your journey into a much richer relationship with nature and into becoming an advocate and Sacred Activist on her behalf and with her blessing.

We would love for you to join us.
Love always,


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