“If there is to be a future, it will wear
the crown of feminine design.”

- Sri Aurobindo


V (formerly Eve Ensler) and Andrew Harvey invite you to the greatest revolution of all, one that can birth a wholly new way of being and doing everything—and a new world for all sentient beings—the Revolution of the Mother.

Patriarchy, capitalism and racism are destroying the planet. We are in a hurricane of interlinked crises, a global dark night that threatens human extinction. A great force of radical regeneration—the force of the Divine Feminine—is arising to bring revelation , hope, joy and fierce passion energy to the work of building a new world from the ashes of the old. 


The time for aligning with this potentially all-transforming force in mind, soul and body and in putting love into action is NOW.


During this live broadcast, join these two great soul friends and passionate devotees of the Mother for a thrilling dynamic and practical exploration and celebration of this all-important revolution in four gardens:


Scholarships Available
Proceeds from this event will be going to V-day at www.vday.org

The Garden of V

Andrew will interview V on her own intimate experiences and vision of the Mother. V will speak for 20 minutes. Andrew will then discuss what she has said for 40 minutes, followed by a half hour of your questions. V will circle around the seven themes precious to her.
1. How V sees, feels and knows the Mother. Her journey to her through moving into her own body and thus, into the body of the world.
2. How you can awaken to the signs, symbols and synchronicities of the Mother
3. How to avoid confusing your own complex, sometimes agonizing experiences with the destructive Mother with the true all-loving Mother.
4. How to work with heartbreak to step into the river of grief and trust that it will take us to the other shore.
5. Dissolving inwardly and outwardly the tyrannies of all forms of racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia as part of the pathway to The Mother,
6. How to experience through the Mother’s grace a redemptive, ecstatic knowledge of sexuality.
7. How to become a fearless and unstoppable protector of Her life force in creative, holy action.

Photo credit: Mike McGregor.

“My Mother is both within and without this phenomenal world … giving birth to the world, she lives within it. She is the Spider and the world is the Spider’s web she has woven … the Spider brings the web out of herself and then lives in it.”

- Ramakrishna

The Garden of A
V will interview Andrew for 20 minutes, then V will speak for 40 minutes, followed by a half hour of your questions. Andrew has been a devotee of the Mother for 40 years. He is the author of The Return of the Mother, and all of the different forms of his work have been dedicated to her. He will circle around the seven themes precious to him:
1. The revelation of the Mother in his Indian childhood.
2. The inspiration of the Mother that governed his exploration in his twenties and thirties of the major mystical traditions to discover and embody their essential unity.
3. His initially wonderful and then tragic experience with a woman guru and what it taught him about the guru system and the need for direct connection with the Mother.
4. His experience of his own 10-year dark night as a Mother birthing process, and how this impacts his understanding of our world crisis.
5. The vision of tantric sexuality that his marriage brought him and that for him is part of the Mother’s divinization process.
6. The vision of sacred activism that was birthed in his dark night and that he believes is the birthing force of a new humanity.
7. The vision of evolutionary transfiguration and radical regeneration that was inspired in him by his great teacher, Bede Griffiths and continues to unfold in his work. 
The Garden of Inspiration
V and Andrew will spend 30 minutes taking turns sharing three core texts and readings that have electrified and galvanized them on their journey with the Mother. The next hour will be open to participants to share your favorite poems or texts or your own work that has inspired you. This will be a celebration of the Mother in all her paradoxical and transformative glory.

The Garden of Sacred Activism
Out of their own decades of experience with sacred activism, V and Andrew will offer a vision of how to go forward in our chaotic times, emboldened and renewed constantly by the Mother’s love, wisdom and passion. They will offer practical, simple, immediate suggestions of how to put the Mother’s love into action so you can live in her joy and realize even in dark times your life’s true purpose and mission.

This program starts in...









Weekend Retreat Schedule

Session #1: Friday, May 21 at 5pm PDT | 7pm CST

Session #2: Saturday, May 22 at 8am PDT | 10am CST

Session #3: Saturday, May 22 at 12:30pm PDT | 2:30pm CST

Session #4: Sunday, May 23 at 8am PDT | 10am CST



Scholarships Available
Proceeds from this event will be going to V-day at www.vday.org

“Drive me out of my mind, oh Mother! Transport me totally with the burning wine Of your all-embracing love. ”

- Ramprasad

Bonus Integration Sessions Schedule

Session #1: Monday, June 7 at 2pm PDT | 4pm CST

Session #2: Monday, June 14 at 2pm PDT | 4pm CST

Two Gardens of Integration

One of the most wonderful ways in which the Mother teaches us directly is through intimate communion of hearts between those who love and adore her. For Andrew, meeting others in the Garden of Integration is his deepest joy because there, he gets to learn from the profound experience of others and share the treasures that he has been graced in his 40 year long journey into the Mother’s all transforming truth and beauty.


The Garden of Integrating the Dark Mother

In this communion, Andrew will begin by offering a sublime practice which will help you work with grief, fear, despair and trauma to help the Mother transform your pain body. He invites you to concentrate in this time on the fierce and difficult problems you may have or on the challenges that arise as you integrate the demands of the Mother for unconditional love, surrender and truth. In this communion too, Andrew invites you to share whatever fears, paralysis or despair are arising in you as you face the multiple crises of our global dark night. He hopes to help you transform and realize this dark night as the birth canal of your new.
The Garden of Integrating of the Light Mother

In this communion, where we will celebrate together the revelations and new strengths and joys opening to the Mother is bringing us, Andrew will invite you to share your experience of how her grace is opening you to new joy, strength and power. He will also invite you to share whatever difficulties are arising as you expand to embrace your new identity and the responsibilities of action it awakens in you. In this communion, Andrew will end by offering you a golden light transfiguration practice which you can use for the rest of your life to continue to be expanded in the birthing power of the Divine Mother.

Scholarships Available
Proceeds from this event will be going to V-day at www.vday.org


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