As a Sacred Activist, you can be a force for change...

You know from Andrew's body of work that Sacred Activism has long been at its core. If there is one question heard from so many of you, it’s this: how do I become a sacred activist?  And that is followed by other questions:

What does it involve?

Am I too old? Too young?

Do I have to move or change jobs?

How do I know what I’m suited for?

Happily, the answers to all these questions is very simple—the main requirement is that you have a desire in your heart to be of service in the world we are seeing change daily beneath our feet. One of the beauties of this work is that the weight of changing the world doesn’t fall on anyone’s shoulders. It falls on all of them, each in a small but powerful way. Opening our hearts and minds to that service is the most powerful assistance we can offer. We all have a singular contribution to make—each of us is essential to the whole of the healing we want to see in the world.



The economic, political, and spiritual world crisis that we currently find ourselves in is a call to action.

It is an opportunity for us to understand the realities around us and to rally together to do something different.

We now have before us the possibility of using these current crises to empower ourselves and others to actually get the planet to work.

Action Conversations

In that spirit, you are invited to join Andrew in an ongoing conversation, one that connects us in community as sacred activists to be actionable forces of love and compassion while living with the crises affecting our world, from climate justice and animal welfare to gun violence and voting rights to healthcare issues and the growing peril of human trafficking—and many others.

Each month we will look at a different issue that begs for understanding, compassion and discussion—at both the challenges and the ways that sacred activists are already making a positive, healing difference.

And then we'll join together in conversation via a zoom call in a 2-hour follow-up each quarter.

  • January, February and March Dialogues will be discussed on April 25, 2023 at 7:00 pm CST | 5:00 pm PST
  • April, May and June Dialogues will be discussed on July 25, 2023 7:00 pm CST | 5:00 pm PST
  • July, August and September Dialogues will be discussed  October 24, 2023 at 7:00 pm CST | 5:00 pm PST
  • October, November and December dialogues will be discussed on January 23, 2024 at 7:00 pm CST | 5:00 pm PST

We welcome all views and attitudes in these action conversations.

As we realize there are many potential approaches to each cause. These dangerous times require 3 linked essential approaches; clear information about the crisis in all of its different aspects, grounded inner spiritual preparation for action, and guided practical sacred action itself. These dialogues are designed to give you grounded hope, inspiration, information and guidance.

In each integration session, we will explore these 5 questions and leave time at the end for whatever arises.

  1. What has moved you most about the information shared to take (further) action?
  2. What are the plans for action that you will implement given what you have learned?
  3. How will you commit yourself to sustain your Sacred Activism?
  4. How will you navigate and integrate dissenting views?
  5. How do you deal with negativity to your Sacred Activism in a skillful and positive way?

Issues We'll Discuss...

January - Climate Justice

February - Animal Welfare

March - Homelessness

April - Racial Injustice

May - Gun Violence

June - Rights of Non-Citizens, Refugee Crisis

July - LGBTQIA, Trans, Child Abuse, Trafficking

August - Financial Insecurity

September - Economic and Social Inequality

October - Health and Human Rights

November - Voting Rights

December - Democracy in Danger

Elder Activism

Answer the Call. Become a Sacred Activist.

Each quarter join Andrew Harvey and your fellow Sacred Activists for a 120-minute zoom call to dive deeper into the quarter' topics to look at both the challenges and the ways that sacred activists are already making a positive, healing difference.

One Quarterly Integration Session


One Payment

- a monthly recorded action dialog by Andrew into that month's topic

- quarterly LIVE 120-minute action conversation session 


One Year of Integration Sessions


One Payment

- a monthly recorded action dialog by Andrew into that month's topic

- four quarterly LIVE 120-minute action conversation session 


Meet Andrew Harvey

Andrew Harvey is Founder and Director of The Institute for Sacred Activism, an international organization focused on inviting concerned people to take up the challenge of our contemporary global crises by becoming inspired, effective, and practical agents of institutional and systemic change, in order to create peace and sustainability.

Sacred Activism is a transforming force of compassion-in-action that is born of a fusion of deep spiritual knowledge, courage, love, and passion, with wise radical action in the world. The large-scale practice of Sacred Activism can become an essential force for preserving and healing the planet and its inhabitants.


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